Step Five
Balanced & Calm Dog Walking
Help your dog to feel happy, safe and relaxed with you in the outside world!
Facilitate your dog’s joy, comfort, and relaxation during your outdoor adventures!
There’s nothing quite as delightful as taking a leisurely stroll with your dog in the great outdoors.
For your furry friend, venturing into nature alongside their closest companion is the highlight of their day, contributing to their overall happiness and well-being.
However, if your dog is experiencing any sort of imbalance, whether it’s fear, anxiety, restlessness, reactivity, or a tendency to disregard your commands, your shared walkies time can quickly turn into a stressful and potentially hazardous situation for both of you.
Dogs fastened to a leash that attaches to their throat or face region, or those being walked on retractable leads, run the risk of causing harm to themselves and others, making these methods neither safe nor humane.
Attaching a leash to a dog’s face or throat area not only jeopardizes their physical well-being but also has a significant impact on their mental state, leading to negative changes in mood and behaviour.
While some may believe they’re exerting greater control by resorting to leash-pulling, shouting, or employing forceful tactics to instill fear in their dog, it comes at a significant cost.
When an animal experiences stress, fear, nervousness, aggression, or depression, their immune system weakens, leaving them susceptible to various health issues. It’s during these moments that health problems can begin to take hold.
Canine Angel introduces a more humane and modern approach compared to these antiquated and traditional dog training methods.
I’ve developed my unique “Natural Dog Whispering Technique,” which, when combined with appropriate, secure, and comfortable walking gear, can promptly restore a state of calm balance between a dog and their human while on a leash.
In Step 5, you’ll receive comprehensive training in all facets of Natural Dog Walking. This includes guidance on selecting the most suitable walking equipment and a lesson on its proper usage, ensuring an immediate achievement of a harmonious and balanced outdoor walk for both you and your dog.