Reggie & Maude
Lead pulling, not trustful around other dogs, guarding, jealousy and anxiety
“I would most definitely give 10/10 ~ Excellent ~ A* ~ 100% for the Canine Angel 8 Step Program!
Reggie was pulling on the lead, recall issues and we had no trust when he around other dogs. In the house, Reggie seemed to be ‘on guard’ at the living room window and would start crying when he saw other dogs outside; we couldn’t stop him once he had started and his sound / animation would escalate.
Maude was very jealous, focused predominantly on Jill and regardless of her emotions, she would bark! Her jealousy extended to Reggie and she would bark if he was playing or going over to other dogs / people.
The behaviours had been going on for years so we had simply lived with them because we didn’t know what else to try.
Reggie had been to puppy training classes and with Maude, numerous interventions had been attempted to try and reduce the barking and while she had improved from when she was first rescued (at about a year old), the barking response had always been there.
We found Canine Angel on Google!
First contact with Nikki was brilliant, after an email via Nikki’s site, we arranged an appointment for our assessment session! I was so excited to start!
We found training in “What your Dog is Begging For!” was really helpful and their diet switch was much easier than we thought it would be thanks to all of the information in the training manual.
Within the first week we noticed some incredible and positive changes!
We use the Natural Pet Vitality daily and are mixing it with egg yolks. As a result of using this product and changing the diet, Reggie has been taking off his Metacam!!! We are thrilled at this because, we didn’t think there was an alternative!
Having taken Reggie off the Metacam and introduced the new diet regime, he has been absolutely fine. He still limps after a long walk and we will be looking at the bio-resonance scans to help with this, but we are really pleased that he is no longer taking the Metacam.
We were so excited for Nikki’s Home visit training day! It was fascinating to see how she came into the space where the dogs were and how within seconds, they were putty in her hands! The dogs almost gravitated towards Nikki and the way that they responded to her told us everything we needed to know… we needed to learn from her!
There are so many new things I learnt on the home visit training! It has been an incredible learning curve and the most fundamental change has been in understand how our behaviours and emotions impact on the dogs as well as how our lack of understanding about appropriate communication had impacted on some of the challenges we were facing.
Nikki turns a lifetime of learning into a really accessible programme. I am in awe of how she shares this information, enables fast and sustainable change while the humans can carry on learning. This is the opposite of most learning experiences where it’s all about studying and gradually learning before change is implemented.
We love Nikki’s approach as we can do both! She has shown us how to make immediate changes and has also offered us the opportunity to keep learning through her Complete Natural Dog Whispering Training Manual which means that we understand what those changes mean on a deeper level for us and our dogs.
Learning about managing our own emotions, especially for me has been transformative! I am a very ‘bouncy’, energetic and action orientated person.
I didn’t realise just how much impact this was having on the dogs! Since using Nikki’s approach, I am monitoring my own energy levels and watching how the dogs respond. It is definitely a positive thing for all of us!
We found Nikki’s approach very easy to adopt. That is not because it is a basic concept, but because Nikki has taken complex ideas and made them accessible.
It was easy because Nikki explained why it mattered so much and we could see the benefits immediately. The hardest part has been changing our own habits, but the desire to do this made it easy as we could see the change in our dogs.
I absolutely LOVE “The hand made harness and training lead set! Not only do they look fabulous, they have completely changed our walkies experience!
For Reggie, there has been a dramatic change. He is a big, powerful dog who has always pulled on the lead despite trying everything, we resorted to a halti and he had worn one on every walk for years.
Since our walk with Nikki on the home visit, Reggie has not worn a halti and is so much happier on his walks, he is calmer and we feel much more in control.
We absolutely loved the Interspecies Communication part of the training as we could immediately see where we had been going wrong and the impact this had had.
Nikki shared this information in a non-judgemental way which was very reassuring. The way in which it was explained to us made it accessible for immediate change and not critical about what we had done so far.
It became obvious very quickly that the way in which we communicated was a massive part of the challenges we were facing. Watching Nikki with our dogs also gave us a real insight into how a shift in communication made an immediate difference.
At the end of the Home Visit session, we felt like we had experienced a lifetime of learning in one afternoon!
It was a master class in understanding our dogs and learning more about they needed from us.
I found The Canine Angel Complete Training Manual to be absolutely brilliant!! It is clear, in a logical order and explains why making the changes is so important.
We wish we had known this information sooner as it is absolutely vital to a harmonious relationship with dogs.
I would most definitely give 10/10 ~ Excellent ~ A* ~ 100% for the Canine Angel 8 Step Program!
This programme really has transformed the relationship we have with our dogs. We love our dogs (& cats!), our lives revolve around them and yet for years, we could have been doing things so much better. The opportunity to turn things around now, to learn, to understand exactly what our dogs need and how we can provide it has changed our lives. We cannot express highly enough just how valuable this programme is.
It even gave use the confidence to put everything we had learnt from Nikki into our newest rescue member, Bear who adapted to his new home in quick time!
The Lifetime Support Guarantee is a constant reassurance to know that if we have any questions that Nikki is there for us. The manual is a fantastic resource but knowing that we can talk things through if we need to is an incredible opportunity.
The world needs to know what Nikki has to offer and the importance of what she is sharing! I would recommend this program to a friend in a heartbeat & I would love to see Nikki write more books, more articles and provide us with more opportunities to learn from her!”
Name: Marie & Jill Yates, Birmingham, UK