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Step Four

Bioresonance Scanning & Balancing

Balancing Your Pet’s Energy Systems


Step 4: employs our state-of-the-art Bioresonance Therapy technology and a holistic approach that is truly exceptional in bringing your troubled pet back to a harmonious state.

Over time, the cumulative effects of mental and physical traumas can gradually disrupt the free flow of vital energy within your pet’s energetic field, leading to compromised health and behaviour.

By realigning your pet’s energy system, we can facilitate their body’s natural healing processes, restoring it to peak health and vitality. This means that many of the symptomatic health and behaviour issues can either significantly improve or completely vanish.

    The process is simple: send us a sample of your pet’s hair, and our cutting-edge E-Lybra9 system, a fully automatic PC-based analysis, scans for over 285,000 different imbalances, disorders (both physical and psychological), and harmful substances.


    Step 4: employs our state-of-the-art Bioresonance Therapy technology and a holistic approach that is truly exceptional in bringing your troubled pet back to a harmonious state.

    Over time, the cumulative effects of mental and physical traumas can gradually disrupt the free flow of vital energy within your pet’s energetic field, leading to compromised health and behaviour.

    By realigning your pet’s energy system, we can facilitate their body’s natural healing processes, restoring it to peak health and vitality. This means that many of the symptomatic health and behaviour issues can either significantly improve or completely vanish.

    The process is simple: send us a sample of your pet’s hair, and our cutting-edge E-Lybra9 system, a fully automatic PC-based analysis, scans for over 285,000 different imbalances, disorders (both physical and psychological), and harmful substances.


      Once the E-Lybra has compiled an extensive list of detected imbalances, it initiates a Bio Resonance balancing session on your pet’s hair sample and programs the remedies into the e-Pendant, which hangs on your pet’s collar throughout the program and beyond.


      Additionally, both you and your animal will receive comprehensive results and health mentoring sessions with me for each balance, ensuring full physical and emotional support throughout the process.

      Hop over to our Bioresonance page for Animals on our other website this link is for your free download on how this amazing therapy works and what programs we offer. NFV website click here


        Once the E-Lybra has compiled an extensive list of detected imbalances, it initiates a Bio Resonance balancing session on your pet’s hair sample and programs the remedies into the e-Pendant, which hangs on your pet’s collar throughout the program and beyond.


        Additionally, both you and your animal will receive comprehensive results and health mentoring sessions with me for each balance, ensuring full physical and emotional support throughout the process.

        Hop over to our Bioresonance page for Animals on our other website this link is for your free download on how this amazing therapy works and what programs we offer. NFV website click here


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